EduBlogging for Transformation

Macdonald (2002) discussed the role of emotional and intellectual work of unlearning for knowledge workers. Through the process of discernment, learners undergo a transformative shift in perspective. The process of unlearning is broken down into these steps:
1. Appreciation of accumulated knowing;
2. Reflection on knowledge growth in a positive manner, and showing gratitude for debt to past knowledge accumulation by others;
3. Openness to potential dramatic change of personal beliefs and self-identity, and an acceptance of personal vulnerability;

Macdonald introduces the metaphor of “unfolding spiral path” to describes the multiple loops of learning and unlearning before true transformation occurs. She defined unlearning as a process of reframing pre-existing self-limiting knowledge and habits which act as barriers to learning. She then described a number of strategies to overcome resistance to unlearning:

1. total immersion experiences
2. developing a cohort of learners also at the same level,
3. requesting mentoring support, and
4. allowing for learner time-outs for reflection of beliefs and values.
5. encourage them in the processes of unlearning
6. making connections between learners’ own feelings and literature, and between themselves and their peers.
7. group role-play and story-telling.

The Benefits for Anonymous Blogging
Somolu (2007) explained that blogging is empowering as it provides a venue for self-expression and meaningful connection. The ability to write anonymously is a vital factor that promotes sharing personal experiences and opinions honestly and openly. In addition, anonymous
blogging can play a powerful role in fostering conversations that gives a voice to the unheard. Through story sharing, encouragement, strong positive images are promoted among learners.

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