Walking Stick Blogger

A Learning Space for Literacy and English Language Learners

Fundamental Shift: Assessment for Learning

I think the bigger picture involves a fundamental shift from treating students as objects to be measured or evaluated or changed or filled or improved or assimiliated, to treating students as legitimate co-participants. I have chosen blogging for advocacy to address the needs of my adult literacy learners, most of whom of First Nations descent,…

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Making Literacy Training More Accessible

Stephen Downes wrote: “we know how to improve educational outcomes, but the solution – achieving some sort of income equity in society – is so distasteful to some people they’d do anything rather than see poor people become less poor.” http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/page.cgi?post=50048 I agree that the solution to improving educational outcomes is through income equity. Yet…

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EduBlogging for Indigenous Learners

The living tree is a metaphor for the cyclical process of lifelong learning. There are four parts: sources and domains of knowledge (roots), individual learning cycle (rings), individual personal development (branches) and community well-being (leaves). Roots: Learners draw upon a rich heritage of values, beliefs, traditions and practices that balance and harmonize relations between members…

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