Welcome to the Edublogging4Literacy Blog.
I have been asked by some colleagues to apply my experience as a blogger to creating a literacy blog, a blog intended to discuss literacy issues and demonstarte the use of blogs for adult literacy learners.
My name is Glenn Groulx, and I am an adult literacy instructor at Northwest Community College. Most of my learners are of First Nations ancestry, and so this blog is specifically addressing many issues of my practice as a literacy instructor in Prince Rupert, BC.
I had spent the last 18 months blogging within a formal academic setting, recording my ideas and tracking my progress through my master’s degree at Athabasca University. I realize it is time to split my efforts, and develop a more reflective blog devoted entirely to literacy issues, and present a working example of a blog to inspire and inform other educators and students. This blog is going to explore the use of blogs for instruction with adult learners.