Walking Stick Blogger

A Learning Space for Literacy and English Language Learners

First Post in EduBlog (Sept. 2008)

This is my very first post last Fall. It began my professional journey into edublogging. The vision has changed considerably. I am now completing an independent studies course on edublogging theory and practice, and enjoy the flexibility and independence of working autonomously.   This stack of posts have been collected from Me2U at Athabasca University…

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Reflections on Posting and Blogging

Jo’s blog post about blogging and her question about whether one should blog or not, and Al’s follow-up comments has got me thinking. Here is the link to their discussion: http://me2u.athabascau.ca/elgg/joha1/weblog/521.html I prefer to blog when I have something to say, when I am working through ideas and lookng for feedback from others. I don’t tend…

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Exploring EduBlogging

I am a novice edublogger, and as such am a bit reluctant to put myself out there for more seasoned bloggers to read my ideas. Perhaps it is because of a bit of apprehension of how I will be received (or not received). Once you post to an academic community outside the “safe harbour” of…

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Semester End Reflections

I started this course with a tentative mission statement, outlining my purposes for maintaining an edublog. Over the semester, I worked on drafting ideas that reflected my way-making (surfing explorations) and explored the use of discussion memes. A major task that contributed to my successful use of the blog involved exploring a lot of external…

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EduBlogging – Issues to Consider

I am building a theoretical framework which includes using edublogs for transformative learning, and I am especially interested in the issues conccerning the process of facilitating learners through thresholds, or liminal spaces, in which most learners experience transformative change. Current literature describing case studies on blogging emphasizes the need for public blogs, groupwork, and interaction;…

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