Walking Stick Blogger

A Learning Space for Literacy and English Language Learners

Going Back to School – A question of perspective

I have been reading an article by Song and Hill (2007) titled “A Conceptual Model for Understanding Self-Directed Learning in Online Environments” from the Journal of Interactive Learning Online at www.ncolr.org/jiol The authors ask the following questions about the role of learners’ motivation for SDL contexts:  how does a learner become motivated in a SDL context…

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Learner Self-Assessment of EduBlogging

This is a general rubric for learners to reflect critically on posts made on their blogs. At several points during the course, learners are asked to select two significant posts, and complete the self-assessments on their own blogging process. This self-assessment activity is suitable for all learners participating in various types of edublogging learning spaces,…

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