Walking Stick Blogger

A Learning Space for Literacy and English Language Learners

Memories of Reading

I have a lot of amazing memories surrounding reading, whether it is of childhood when I was twelve years old, of myself reading on my own on a nice hot summer day, sitting on a lawn chair outside my home enjoying fresh air, or much more recently, a memory of listening to my wife read some Facebook posts aloud over breakfast to our granddaughter.

One vivid memory surrounding reading was the excitement I always had when my elementary school teacher brought in brochures to our language arts classroom advertising the books we could get to read. We were asked to choose one. I always got excited about choosing just that right book, and then waiting till when it would arrive.

I remember a very important turning point for me in terms of reading. It was in elementary school. My Grade 3 teacher pulled me aside, and told me I was being moved to another  reading group. I look back and realize it was probably because of my extra reading outside class.


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netizenship • December 16, 2017

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