Walking Stick Blogger

A Learning Space for Literacy and English Language Learners

Overcoming Blogger’s Block: Inner and Outer Critics

Just as some of us are disheartened when no one replies, and we end up blogging for ourselves always wondering if anyone is reading the posts, and asking ourselves whether the whole blogging enterprise is a case of vanity publishing, others are surprised at the less-than positive comments and criticism and assumptions about our post.

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Starting Blogging: Consider your Focus

Getting started is one of the toughest things to do..you don’t know who your audience is. You feel weird typing words on a blank text field you are unsure anyone will read.

First, write for yourself. What can you blog today that will have value to you a year from now? Posting your vacation pictures and video clips is a great first start. you want to add as much detail as possible to ensure the post has cues to prompt your memories. Maybe add a voice recording to your text descriptions and photos, to add more you(as you are now) into the post.

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The Reluctant Blogger – Some Suggestions

Some students would prefer to blog privately, and set up their own private blogs independent of the class blog. They might choose to do this because they feel exposed and uncomfortable with what they perceive to be forced divulging of private thoughts. An excellent example of how tough it is to blog, knowing others are watching, is to blog in a foreign language. Try to place yourself in the place of these private-minded learners – what would motivate them to blog, and how could you blog to inspire these reluctant student bloggers?

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Some Thoughts about Assessing EduBlogs

How should educators approach assessment for edublogs?

I would say that it depends on many factors, but one crucial question to ask is whether you plan to assess learners in terms of process or product. It also depends on the learning space you design for learners.

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How to Get Started? Five Blogging Ideas

Here are some ideas for how to use blogging with your students: 1. Ask students to describe their search activities, including both their challenges and their successes, to find a short-list of bloggers they want to follow. Have them post a number of short posts that describe the blogs, the focus, the topics, what they…

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