Walking Stick Blogger

A Learning Space for Literacy and English Language Learners

EduBlogging for Transformation

Unlearning Macdonald (2002) discussed the role of emotional and intellectual work of unlearning for knowledge workers. Through the process of discernment, learners undergo a transformative shift in perspective. The process of unlearning is broken down into these steps: 1. Appreciation of accumulated knowing; 2. Reflection on knowledge growth in a positive manner, and showing gratitude…

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Defining EduBlogging

Terry Anderson commented on the model describing edubloggers as autonomous and anonymous. He wrote an excellent comment: One concern with the model is the advance from Autonomous to Anonymous. I associate autonomous from its use as an ideal in distance education – self motivated and all that. Anonymous seems to be the opposite of net…

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Reflections on Personal EduBlogging

I recognize that at a particular point in our blogging, we need to stop, reflect back, revise and select our presence. It mostly has to do with a proces of re-invention, often because our presence needs to be updated, or re-presented. In my current case, the upcoming shift from the old Me2U community to the…

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Assessing How Students Learn, and its Implications for EduBlogging

I would like to thank Stuart Berry for his interesting post on assessment. His post is at http://me2u.athabascau.ca/elgg/stuartbe2/weblog/1176.html Rick Reis comments on Bill Cerbin’s description of how educators undertake the learner assessment process. Cerbin (2009) described the compelling need for the assessment process: “…we need assessment that reveals how students learn-how they interpret and make…

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Exploring Embedded EduBlogging

For embedded bloggers, the focus of activity is on building critical thinking and communication skills. Such learners seek social recognition, a sense of community, validation and acceptance within a safe, respectful space. These learners are most motivated while blogging to share experiences, intuitions, and impressions with others. They are energized while making/maintaining connections and conversations…

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