Walking Stick Blogger

A Learning Space for Literacy and English Language Learners

Semester End Reflections

I started this course with a tentative mission statement, outlining my purposes for maintaining an edublog. Over the semester, I worked on drafting ideas that reflected my way-making (surfing explorations) and explored the use of discussion memes. A major task that contributed to my successful use of the blog involved exploring a lot of external…

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Anonymous Student Blogging – Reflections

I have set up a few pages at pageflakes.com as supplementary resource pages to encourage collaboration among students and colleagues.One is a computers resource page, and the other, English. I encourage anonymous participation: no names, no course codes, no personally identifying details, no institutional documents – in effect, an entirely anonymous resource page for a…

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Reflections on Personal EduBlogging

I recognize that at a particular point in our blogging, we need to stop, reflect back, revise and select our presence. It mostly has to do with a proces of re-invention, often because our presence needs to be updated, or re-presented. In my current case, the upcoming shift from the old Me2U community to the…

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Assessing How Students Learn, and its Implications for EduBlogging

I would like to thank Stuart Berry for his interesting post on assessment. His post is at http://me2u.athabascau.ca/elgg/stuartbe2/weblog/1176.html Rick Reis comments on Bill Cerbin’s description of how educators undertake the learner assessment process. Cerbin (2009) described the compelling need for the assessment process: “…we need assessment that reveals how students learn-how they interpret and make…

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artefacts (virtual footprints) of self-assessment and ID evaluation

Efimova et al (2009) described the issue of defining the weblog community using Jones’ (1997) theory of virtual community. Weblogs are considered “unedited personal voices” (Winer, 2003). Weblog communities are formed around connections between bloggers, and not as an established sharing space. “From one side emergence of weblog communities is paradoxical: in that the existence…

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