Walking Stick Blogger

A Learning Space for Literacy and English Language Learners

Blogs and Threaded Discussion Forums: Which Should Educators Use?

This post is in response to Terry Anderson’s comment to an earlier blog post, in which he asked me to consider making the blog content more accessible, and asking me to reflect on whether an educator should use a blog or a discussion forum. One difference is the extent of control over access for the…

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“Why Teachers Don’t Want to Hear About (Edu) Blogs”

The resistance educators have towards the use of blogs for instruction have less to do with the actual drawbacks of blogs as a technology, than with the concerns instructors have about the implications. Most educators are concerned about the necessity of learning about a wide number of other supporting technologies that blogs tend to be…

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EduBlogs for Encouraging Intersubjectivity, Sharing, and Knowledge Co-Construction

Social interaction must involve inter-subjectivity, or joint co-construction and decision-making. Participants would share power and authority, but would be unequal only in their differing levels of understanding. Inter-subjectivity might involve interaction between the student and the instructor, or between learning partners, or amongst a group. The discussions generated between learners would provide a mutual support…

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"That's Today's Footprint"

This is a dialogue between JoAnn Hammond-Myers and I on based on meme questions about one’s digital footprint. Her comments were from September 2008. Mine are from March 2009. I wish to invite JoAnn to further reflect on my responses, and add anything to her previous ideas. I also invite others to join this continuing…

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EduBlogging for Indigenous Learners

The living tree is a metaphor for the cyclical process of lifelong learning. There are four parts: sources and domains of knowledge (roots), individual learning cycle (rings), individual personal development (branches) and community well-being (leaves). Roots: Learners draw upon a rich heritage of values, beliefs, traditions and practices that balance and harmonize relations between members…

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